In 1985, the officers of the Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD) voted to recognize the TACD Secretaries Organization as an official, functioning part of their association.  During 1986, officers were elected, bylaws approved, and area coordinators elected.  Long/short range goals were set and general operating procedures were outlined.  In an effort to include all district employees, in 1999 the name was changed to the Tennessee Conservation District Employees Association by a majority vote of the TACD Officers and Board of Directors.

In the years that have followed, much has been accomplished.  Excellence and professionalism are strived for, lines of communication between district employees, district supervisors and other conservationists have been opened.  With a wealth of talent and knowledge, one of Tennessee's most valuable resources is Conservation District Employees.  District employees continue to reach out, promoting conservation throughout the state to not only landowners, but also to land users.   District employees assist in the implementation of district programs, establish and maintain a high standard of quality, and carry on an education and improvement program while displaying pride and dedication in  work and to those who are served.

TCDEA Bylaws

TCDEA Employee Directory


TCDEA Employee Certification


TCDEA Employee Welcome Packet