Serving 95 Districts in

East, Middle, and West TN

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  • No-Tilling Corn into 5-way mix Cover Crop in Giles County
  • No-Till Drill into 5-way mix



In 1985, the officers of the Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD) voted to recognize the TACD Secretaries Organization as an official, functioning part of their association.  During 1986, officers were elected, bylaws approved, and area coordinators elected.  Long/short range goals were set and general operating procedures were outlined.  In an effort to include all district employees, in 1999 the name was changed to the Tennessee Conservation District Employees Association by a majority vote of the TACD Officers and Board of Directors.

In the years that have followed, much has been accomplished.  Excellence and professionalism are strived for, lines of communication between district employees, district supervisors and other conservationists have been opened.  With a wealth of talent and knowledge, one of Tennessee's most valuable resources is Conservation District Employees.  District employees continue to reach out, promoting conservation throughout the state to not only landowners, but also to land users.   District employees assist in the implementation of district programs, establish and maintain a high standard of quality, and carry on an education and improvement program while displaying pride and dedication in  work and to those who are served.


Soil Health Documents

Unlock the Secrets of the Soil


Soil Talk. On this page articles on soil health are posted in an easily accessible pdf format. The documents cover current issues on managing our lands for Soil Health including Pasture, Hay and Cropland.  Our goal is to allow landowners to understand and adopt a science based approach to maintaining healthy soil beyond erosion control on the surface.


NACD Tours

Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts is pleased to sponsor four tours during the NACD Annual Convention. The tours are part of Tennessee's rich heritage and current scene.

Click on the tabs below to review details of each of the tours.

Click here to visit the registration page for the NACD Annual Convention.


HCH - Temp

Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts

Distinguished Service Award Recipients

1992 N/A  
1993 John Bradley West Tennessee
1994 Robby McBride Washington
1995 Roland Campbell Lauderdale
1996 James Harris Blount
1997 J. Merle Crawly Hamilton
1998 Bob Bryant Madison
1999 N/A  
2000 Jerry Taylor Scott
2001 N/A  
2002 N/A  
2003 N/A  
2004 Bob Aikman Rhea
2005 Daymond Broyles Washington
2006 Franklin James Madison
2007 Joe K. Thomas III Sullivan
2008 Ken Givens  
2009 Austin Anderson Coffee 
2010 Jim Nance  Davidson
2011 Joe Jack & Jere Dement  Rutherford
2012 Glen Long  Roane
2013 N/A  
2014 Harold Totty  

Soil Health Curriculum

Associate Professor Jason de Koff has published a Soil Health Curriculum. Click the link below to view it on the TSU site.

Upcoming Events

No events


The groups below helped to make the 2015 TACD Convention possible. We want to express our sincere appreciation to these sponsors for assisting us in recognizing contributions in the soil and water conservation efforts in Tennessee.

Tennessee Department of Agriculture

Farm Credit Mid-America Mid-America


Tennessee Pork Producers Association

Tennessee Farmers Cooperative

Tennessee Valley Authority

Natural Resources Conservation Service